United Nations              
Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Solidarity Income (2013 - 2017)



Date: 2013-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The program provides annual financial support to persons with severe disabilities.


Target population: Persons with severe disabilities who are registered in the Information System of the Unique National Registry Program for People with Disabilities.
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Categorical
Instrument of selection: Disability Card and information about the degree of the disability of each candidate.
Registry of recipients: Information System of the Unique National Registration Program for People with Disabilities
Exit strategies or criteria:
Comments: The Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Welfare is responsible for sending lists annually of persons with disabilities, who are public employees, to the Ministry of Health and Sports.


Legal framework: Supreme Decree Nº 1133/2012 (establishes Renta Solidaria); Supreme Decree No. 1498/2013 (regulates the payment of Renta Solidaria and defines the institutional framework and its financing).
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Health and Sports, Ministry of the Presidency and Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security
Executing organization(s): Executing Unit of the National Solidarity and Equity Fund (FNSE) and Ministry of Health and Sports
Source of funding: National Solidarity and Equity Fund (FNSE) and the General Treasury of the Nation (TGN).

1) Solidarity Income (Renta Solidaria)

Recipient(s): Participants of the program
Mode of transfer:
Periodicity of delivery: Annual
Recipient of the transfer: The person who is registered in the back of the Disability Card of the person with the disability
Maximum per household:
Conditionalities: nan
Comments: The recipients of the program must submit the following documents in order to make the payment effective: -Identity card of the person with disability -Disability Card of person with disability -Identity card of the person registered in the back of the Disability Card of the person with the disability
Amount : BOV$1,000


2) Family Basket (Canasta Familiar)

Recipient(s): Renta Dignidad users, but who do not receive any other support or retirement, mothers who receive the Juan Azurduy Allowance and people with disabilities who receive the Solidarity Income.
Mode of transfer: Flat transfer
Mode of delivery: Voucher/Coupon
Periodicity of delivery: Single transfer
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Comments: Voucher delivered as part of the measures to face the Covid-19 pandemic.
Amount : BOV $400




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