Date: | 2017- |
Web: | Official website of the programme |
Description: | The National Non-Contributory Pension Program for People with Severe Disability in Situation of Poverty - CONTIGO, is a social program of the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS), in charge of providing a non-contributory pension to people with severe disability and who are in a situation of poverty, in order to raise their quality of life. |
Target population: | People with severe disabilities, younger than 65 year of age and in situation of poverty |
Geographic scale: | National |
Targeting method: | 1) Geographical: Geographical sensitivity zones 2) Categorical: Comply with the requirements to be a recipient of the program: i) Have a disability certificate with a severe qualification, issued by health establishments authorized by the Ministry of Health; ii) Not being a recipient of income or pensions that come from public or private institutions, including the economic transfer that are granted through the Social Security of Health - ESSALUD; iii) Being in a situation of poverty under the criteria of the Household Targeting System - SISFOH (proxy means test); iv) Be younger than 65 years of age. |
Instrument of selection: | Single Socioeconomic Questionnaire (FSU) and Household Targeting System (SISFHO) |
Registry of recipients: | Registry of Users of the program CONTIGO. |
Exit strategies or criteria: | … |
Comments: | As part of the measures to face the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic and social isolation, double payment was arranged in advance for CONTIGO users. Also, the increase in coverage of the program to nearly 74,000 people was announced. Additionally, the Universal Family Grant was delivered for households affected by Covid-19 and who were recipients of Pension 65, JUNTOS and CONTIGO. Initially this program was the responsibility of the Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP), but through Supreme Decree No. 008-2017-MIDIS the program was transferred to the Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS). |
Legal framework: | Supreme Decree No. 004-2015 MIMP; Supreme Decree No. 007-2016-MIMP; Supreme Decree No. 008-2017-MIDIS; Supreme Decree No. 161-2017-EF. |
Responsible organization(s): | Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS). |
Executing organization(s): | Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS). |
Source of funding: | Government of Peru |
1) Non-contributory pension for people with disabilities
Recipient(s): | People with severe disabilities, younger than 65 year of age and in situation of poverty |
Mode of transfer: | Flat transfer |
Mode of delivery: | Deposit in bank account |
Periodicity of delivery: | Every two months |
Recipient of the transfer: | Direct recipient or third party formally authorized to receive the transfer |
Maximum per household: | Does not have |
Comments: | The transfer is executed by the Bank of Nation |
Amount : | PEN $ 300 monthly, in 2021. See data in Excel format |
2) Universal Family Allowance
Recipient(s): | Intended for vulnerable households with incomes below PEN $ 3,000, JUNTOS recipient households, households with a member of the Pension 65 and / or CONTIGO program; and households that are not registered in the Centralized Payroll and Data Registry Application of the Public Sector (AIRHSP) |
Mode of transfer: | Flat transfer |
Mode of delivery: | Deposit in bank account |
Periodicity of delivery: | Single transfer |
Recipient of the transfer: | Direct participant |
Comments: | … |
Description: | Allowance for households affected by the lower income that has been generated as a result of the health emergency caused by Covid-19. |
Amount : | PEN $760 |