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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Old-age Assistance Programme (1993-)



Date: 1993-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The non-contributory Old-age Assistance Programme came into force by the passing of the Social Security Amendment Act of 1993. The programme serves its purpose in providing pensions for those who never got the opportunity to contribute to Social Security because of their old age. The assistance pension is designed to be terminated with the death of the last recipient. People with disabilities and visual impairments who are not able to earn their own livelihood are also covered by the programme with the same transfer as participants due to age.


Target population: 1) Persons who have attained age 65 or more in 1993.
2) Persons who are blind or with other disabilities, who have attained age 60 and are unable to generate autonomous income.
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: 1) Categorical : Requirements for age (65 years in 1993; 60 years for people who are blind or with severe disability) and residency
2) Means test (annual income less than XCD $5,000)
Instrument of selection:
Registry of recipients:
Exit strategies or criteria:
Comments: In addition to the age and disability requirement, the recipient must have ordinarily resided in Antigua and Barbuda for at least 15 years for citizens and 20 years for non-nationals preceding the date of application for the programme. The income from all sources of the recipients must not exceed XCD $5,000 per annum. The two target population groups receive the same transfer under one programme. This program was compatible with the Free Employability/Entrepreneurship Online Training, which was announced in June 2021 as part of the measures to face the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and social isolation. This measure was directed, in addition to unemployed people, to people over 55 years of age, people with disabilities and people who received a social benefit, among others.


Legal framework: The Social Security (Amendment) Act, 1993. No. 22 of 1993.
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Finance and Corporate Governance
Executing organization(s): Antigua y Barbuda Social Security Board (ABSSB)
Responsible organization(s) for the registry of recipients: Antigua y Barbuda Social Security Board (ABSSB)
Source of funding: Social Security Contributions

1) Old-age Assistance Pension

Recipient(s): Persons who were at the age 65 or more in 1993, or 60 in the case of people with visual impairments or disabilities
Mode of transfer: Monetary
Mode of delivery:
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Maximum per household:
Conditionalities: --
Sanctions: --
Comments: The amount of transfer was set steady at XCD $136.5 from 1993 but was increased to XCD $255 in February of 2015.
Amount : XCD $255; see data Excel format


Non-contributory pensions: Bolivia and Antigua in an international context

Author: Willmore, Larry
Date: 2006
Publication info: ECLAC, Financing for Development Series
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Antigua and Barbuda: Report to the Government, Seventh actuarial review of the Social Security Fund as of 31 December 2002

Author: International Labour Organization (ILO), Social Protection
Date: 2005
Publication info: ILO, Technical Cooperation Report
Link: See Webpage
Topic: Información general




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