Red de Desarrollo Social de América Latina y el Caribe
Plataforma virtual para la difusión de conocimiento sobre desarrollo social

Global Reset: inequality and time for a new social contract. Session 2: what role for redistribution?


Autor : ODI
Fuente: ODI
Fecha: 2021-11-21 13:08:36
Descripción: Calls for building a society that works for all are emphasising the role of redistributive policies, including cash and in-kind tax and transfer policies. Both at the global and national level, initiatives to mobilise resources are increasingly incorporating equity and sustainability concerns, opening up options for reform previously low on the policy agenda, including, for example, the taxation of wealth. This panel discussion explored what we know about what works when it comes to redistribution of wealth, including the role of different actors for supporting and promoting such ideas.



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CEPAL - Naciones Unidas
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