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Date: 13-01-2021 | Place: Virtual

Fourth Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Social Development of Latin America and the Caribbean


The Fourth Meeting of the Presiding Officers of the Regional Conference on Social Development of Latin America and the Caribbean was held virtually on January 13, 2021, in the framework of the XII Ministerial Forum for Development in Latin America and the Caribbean. This meeting brought together Social Development ministers and senior authorities from Latin America and the Caribbean and addressed the social situation of the region in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Participant Institutions:


Date: 06 al 07-10-2020 | Place: Virtual

Leaving No one Behind in the Caribbean: Building resilience through universal social protection


The Workshop aims to strengthen the capacity of policymakers in the Caribbean in designing and implementing universal social protection systems and programmes, as well as enhance the competency of the technical staff of member States to measure inequality and identify the furthest behind as a necessary first step in reducing inequalities through social protection. The workshop will also contribute to advance the promise of Agenda 2030 to “leave no one behind” and support the attainment of specific Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

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Participant Institutions:

    Date: 03-12-2020 | Place: Virtual

    Taller virtual


    The Workshop " Sistemas de información social y registros sociales en América Latina: avances y desafíos frente al COVID-19", was held virtually on December 3, 2020. The main objectives of the workshop were to address the advances, learnings and challenges of social information systems and participant registries in the region based on the results of a study that systematizes their pre-COVID-19 situation and the main innovations adopted in 15 Latin American countries to implement social protection measures against the emergency.

    Related documents:

      Participant Institutions:

        Date: 31-08-2020 | Place: Virtual

        Reunión virtual


        Related documents:

          Participant Institutions:

            Date: 08-05-2020 | Place: Virtual

            II Virtual technical meeting "From sanitary emergency to socio-economic crisis: searching for alliances and social protection responses from the Ministries of Social Development in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic"


            This meeting involved not only member countries, but also UN agencies and other international cooperation agencies. The latter shared input on the work they do along governments, and they discussed their outlook about the main challenges either caused or deepened by COVID-19. In turn, member countries discussed their position in regard to transitioning from quarantine to an exit plan, and in relation to restrictions on the free movement of people, all of this in a context of economic and social crisis. All of this, with the purpose of sharing their most urgent needs, as well as informing of those measures that were successfully implemented and that could be replicated in other countries.

            Related documents:

            Participant Institutions:

            • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Argentina)
            • Ministerio de la Ciudadanía del Brasil (Brasil)
            • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y de la Familia (Chile)
            • Departamento Administrativo de Prosperidad Social (Colombia)
            • Ministerio de Desarrollo Humano e Inclusión Social (Costa Rica)
            • Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (Ecuador)
            • Comisión Presidencial para Operaciones y Gabinete de Gobierno (El Salvador)
            • Ministerio de Salud (El Salvador)
            • Ministerio de Educación (El Salvador)
            • Ministerio de Desarrollo Local (El Salvador)
            • Ministerio de Trabajo (El Salvador)
            • Presidencia (El Salvador)
            • Ministerio de Agricultura (El Salvador)
            • Ministerio de Vivienda (El Salvador)
            • Comisión Nacional de la Micro y Pequeña Empresa (CONAMYPE) (El Salvador)
            • Instituto Salvadoreño par El Desarrollo Integral de la Niñez y la Adolescencia (ISNA) (El Salvador)
            • Despacho de la Primera Dama (El Salvador)
            • AECID (España)
            • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Guatemala)
            • Secretaría de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (Honduras)
            • Secretaría de Bienestar (México)
            • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Panamá)
            • Gabinete Social (Panamá)
            • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Paraguay)
            • Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (Perú)
            • Gabinete de Coordinación de Políticas Sociales (República Dominicana)
            • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Uruguay)
            • Ministerio del Poder Popular para las Comunas y Movimientos Sociales (Venezuela (República Bolivariana de))
            • GIZ
            • UNICEF
            • FAO
            • PMA
            • UNSDG
            • SISCA
            • OIT

            Date: 21-04-2020 | Place: Virtual

            Virtual meeting on the "Role of Ministries of Social Development in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic in the Caribbean"


            The goal of this meeting was to discuss challenges and vulnerabilities faced by Caribbean countries during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to identify their needs in regards to technical assistance. Most countries have implemented response packages, including measures such as emergency financial assistance for income support, food vouchers, creation of helplines, and moratorium on payments of utilities, among others. Some of these measures have been directed mainly to vulnerable groups, many of which had not been previously included in official registries. As a result, the importance of having updated databases was stressed as a key priority, as well as improving medical and health facilities, applying modern technologies for the disbursement of payments, and establishing effective institutional frameworks to facilitate planning and actions across sectors and at all levels, in order to be better prepared for future emergencies. ECLAC insisted in the importance of regional coordination and cooperation to tackle this crisis, taking into account the Regional Agenda for Inclusive Social Development (RAISD) agreed by the member countries during the Conference in Mexico City in 2019.

            Related documents:

            Participant Institutions:

            • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Anguila)
            • Ministerio de Transformación Social y Desarrollo de los Recursos Humanos (Antigua y Barbuda)
            • Departamento de Asuntos Sociales (Aruba)
            • Ministerio de Servicios Sociales y Desarrollo Urbano (Bahamas)
            • Ministerio de Asuntos Generales de Curazao (Curazao)
            • Ministerio de Desarrollo y Empoderamiento de la Juventud, Jóvenes en Riesgo, Asuntos de Género, Seguridad de los Ancianos y Dominiqueses con Discapacidades (Dominica)
            • Consejo Regional de Guadalupe (Guadalupe)
            • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, Vivienda y Desarrollo Comunitario (Granada)
            • Ministerio de Protección Social (Guyana)
            • Departamento de Servicios Humanos (Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos) (Islas Vírgenes de los Estados Unidos)
            • Instituto de Planificación de Jamaica (Jamaica)
            • Ministerio de Salud y Servicios Sociales de Montserrat (Montserrat)
            • Ministerio de Desarrollo Comunitario, Asuntos de Género y Servicios Sociales (Saint Kitts y Nevis)
            • Ministerio de Equidad, Justicia Social, la Potenciación, Desarrollo de la Juventud, Deportes y Gobierno Local (Santa Lucía)
            • Ministerio de Salud Pública, Desarrollo Social y Trabajo de Sint Maarten (Sint Maarten)
            • Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales y Vivienda Popular (Suriname)
            • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y Servicios Familiares (Trinidad y Tabago)
            • Ministerio de Educación, Juventud, Cultura y Servicios de Biblioteca de Turcos y Caicos (Islas Turcas y Caicos)
            • UNICEF
            • FAO
            • PMA
            • CARICOM
            • ACS
            • OECS
            • OPS/OMS
            • ONU Mujeres
            • UNEP
            • UNFPA
            • UNOPS
            • Coordinador Residente en Barbados y países de la OECS
            • Coordinador Residente en Guyana
            • Coordinador Residente en Trinidad y Tobago, Surinam, Aruba, Curazao y Sint Marteen
            • Oficina del Coordinador Residente de la ONU en Belice y El Salvador
            • Oficina del Coordinador Residente de la ONU en Jamaica

            Date: 08-04-2020 | Place: Virtual

            Technical virtual meeting "Challenges and needs of the Ministries of Social Development in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic"


            The focus of this meeting revolved around the challenge of ensuring that measures and programmes designed to tackle the pandemic reach the people that they intend to help, and also about the need for technical assistance between countries. Among the main difficulties faced were keeping complete registries of the target populations of each programme, the pressure over social services, the need to work on a long term framework in order to deal with the economic effects to come, and the development of strategies to speed up the delivery of resources, among others. Also, several countries voiced the importance of learning from each other’s experiences, especially in relation to population registries, so they can incorporate vulnerable and hard-to-reach groups (elderly, migrants, indigenous peoples, women, etc) to the benefits of social protection. Finally, ECLAC informed that it will be enabling instances of interaction to promote the exchange of experiences among member countries, such as the Observatory on COVID-19.

            Related documents:

              Participant Institutions:

              • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Argentina)
              • Ministerio de la Ciudadanía del Brasil (Brasil)
              • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y de la Familia (Chile)
              • Departamento Administrativo de Prosperidad Social (Colombia)
              • Ministerio de Desarrollo Humano e Inclusión Social (Costa Rica)
              • Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social (Ecuador)
              • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Guatemala)
              • Secretaría de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (Honduras)
              • Secretaría de Bienestar (México)
              • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Panamá)
              • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Paraguay)
              • Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (Perú)
              • Gabinete de Coordinación de Políticas Sociales (República Dominicana)

              Date: 02-04-2020 | Place: Virtual

              Virtual meeting "The Role of Ministries of Social Development in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic"


              This meeting had the goal of sharing experiences about the role of Ministries of Social Development and other similar entities in facing the current crisis caused by COVID-19. It was especially interesting to know how each institution has responded to the pandemic in three specific aspects: i) main socio-economic problems and priorities in social protection; ii) difficulties, challenges and lessons in their responses to the crisis; and iii) cooperation needs. It was noticed that the main focus of the region’s ministries has been to mitigate the loss of human lives, as well as to avoid an expansion of poverty and extreme poverty. For this purpose, they have taken joint action along other ministries (economy, health, education, etc) and actors (universities, professional associations, private sector, among others). Later, Alicia Bárcena, Executive Secretary of ECLAC, called for an implementation of universal, redistributive and solidarity policies to avoid another lost decade in regards to improvements in social protection.

              Related documents:

                Participant Institutions:

                • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Argentina)
                • Ministerio de la Ciudadanía del Brasil (Brasil)
                • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social y de la Familia (Chile)
                • Departamento Administrativo de Prosperidad Social (Colombia)
                • Ministerio de Desarrollo Humano e Inclusión Social (Costa Rica)
                • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Guatemala)
                • Secretaría de Bienestar (México)
                • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Panamá)
                • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Paraguay)
                • Ministerio de Desarrollo e Inclusión Social (Perú)
                • Gabinete de Coordinación de Políticas Sociales (República Dominicana)
                • Ministerio de Desarrollo Social (Uruguay)
                • Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Educación (Venezuela (República Bolivariana de))


                Measures by country
                Type of measure:
                Target population:

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                Covid-19 Observatory in Latin America and the Caribbean

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