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Non-contributory Social Protection Programmes Database
Latin America and the Caribbean
Support for Argentine Students Programme (PROGRESAR) (2014-)



Date: 2014-
Web: Official website of the programme
Description: The programme aims to support the completion of compulsory education and promote professional and technical higher education. This programme targets adolescents and young people between ages 16 and 24, that are enrolled in compulsory education (primary and secondary school) or continuing to higher education, tertiary education, or professional training courses, and whose household incomes are lower than three times the Minimum, Vital and Mobile Wage (Salario Mínimo, Vital y Móvil or SMVM).


Target population: Adolescents and young people between ages 16 and 24, that are enrolled in compulsory education (primary and secondary school) or continuing to higher education, tertiary education, or professional training courses, and whose household incomes are lower than three times the Minimum, Vital and Mobile Wage (Salario Mínimo, Vital y Móvil or SMVM).
Persons up to 35 years old who are in charge of a single-parent household with children under 18 years of age.
Persons up to 40 years of age who do not have formal registered work.
Members of indigenous communities and/or native peoples, trans people, persons with disabilities, refugees and Afro-descendant and/or Afro-Argentine, without age limit.
Income lower than three times the Minimum, Vital and Mobile Wage (Salario Mínimo, Vital y Móvil or SMVM).
Area of intervention: Remedial education
Professional and vocational training
Geographic scale: National
Targeting method: Direct means tested: Family or individual income (in the case of the recipient being single). It must be lower than three times the minimum wage
Comments: A redesign of the program was carried out in 2018, which resulted in a decrease in coverage. On the one hand, the upper age limit was extended for people who are at an advanced level in their careers from 25 to 30 years. Besides, academic conditionalities were modified.


Legal framework: Decree 84/2014
Responsible organization(s): Ministry of Education
Source of funding: Government of Argentina

1) Line of work for the completion of compulsory education

Recipient(s): Adolescents and young people between ages 16 and 24, that are enrolled in compulsory education (primary and secondary school) or continuing to higher education, tertiary education, or professional training courses, and whose household incomes are lower than three times the Minimum, Vital and Mobile Wage (Salario Mínimo, Vital y Móvil or SMVM).
Persons up to 35 years old who are in charge of a single-parent household with children under 18 years of age.
Persons up to 40 years of age who do not have formal registered work.
Members of indigenous communities and/or native peoples, trans people, persons with disabilities, refugees and Afro-descendant and/or Afro-Argentine, without age limit.
Income lower than three times the Minimum, Vital and Mobile Wage (Salario Mínimo, Vital y Móvil or SMVM).
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly. According to requests, in 12 or 6 monthly instalments.
Recipient of the transfer: Direct recipient
Conditionalities: Educational institutions carry out three annual certifications for the entire universe of compulsory level scholarship holders, including young people and adults over 18 years of age, to determine the student's regularity condition and to account for the learning process. The third certification is carried out in the month of December, and certifies regularity and completion at the Mandatory Level.
Complete or ongoing vaccination scheme according to age group.
Sanctions: ...
Comments: The payment proportion is eighty percent (80%) from the first instalment, and the retained twenty percent (20%) is paid once certified as a regular student in the 3rd Certification.
Amount : ARS $9,000


2) Line of work for the promotion of higher education

Recipient(s): Persons between seventeen (17) and twenty-four (24) years old.
Being enrolled in a degree or undergraduate degree in public institutions, such as National Universities, Provincial Universities, or National University Institutes.
Being enrolled in state-run Technical and Teacher Training Institutes.
Household income lower than three times the Minimum Wage (Salario Mínimo, Vital y Móvil or SMVM).
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Amount : ARS $9,000


3) Line of work for the promotion of higher education in Nursery

Recipient(s): Persons between seventeen (17) and twenty-four (24) years old.
Being enrolled in a degree or undergraduate degree in public institutions, such as National Universities, Provincial Universities, or National University Institutes.
Being enrolled in state-run Technical and Teacher Training Institutes.
Exceptionally, Private Higher Technical Education Institutes registered in PRONAFE will be able to access the programme if their monthly fee is less than the current amount established for the Universal Child Allowance.
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Amount : ARS $9,000


4) Line of work Progresar Work

Recipient(s): Persons between eighteen (18) and twenty-four (24) years old.
Persons up to 35 years old who are in charge of a single-parent household with children under 18 years of age.
Persons up to 40 years of age who do not have formal registered work.
Members of indigenous communities and/or native peoples, trans people, persons with disabilities, refugees and Afro-descendant and/or Afro-Argentine, without age limit.
Take a professional training course or training path dependent on the National Institute of Technological Education (INET).
Take a Labor Training course taught by a National University.
Income lower than three times the Minimum Wage (Salario Mínimo, Vital y Móvil or SMVM).
Periodicity of delivery: Monthly
Recipient of the transfer: Direct participant
Description: The Progresar Work (Progresar Trabajo) scholarships aim to promote professional education, in accordance with the provisions of the Professional Technical Training Law No. 26,058. The scholarship application must be made through the registration form made available on the "PROGRESAR" platform (https://www.argentina.gob.ar/educacion/progresar) or through the "PROGRESAR" Application from a mobile device. The duration of the Progresar Work scholarships will depend on the start and end date of the corresponding course or training path. Those who aspire to be holders of the same, must re-enroll in each course or training path they wish to take.
Amount : ARS $9,000


Trayectoria hacia el trabajo decente de los jóvenes en Argentina : contribuciones de las políticas públicas de educación, formación para el trabajo y protección social.

Author: Bertranou, Fabio; Casanova, Luis
Date: 2015
Publication info: International Labour Office -Geneve: ILO
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information


Programas de Transferencias Condicionadas orientados a jóvenes. El caso del PROG.R.ES.AR.

Author: D’Alessandre, Vanesa and Duer, Carolina
Date: 2015
Publication info: Cuaderno 22, IIPE – UNESCO, OEI
Link: See Webpage
Topic: General information




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